
Google Scholar list of publications and citation data


  1. A. M. Hasan, P. Costa, J. Larsson, S. Pirozzoli and R. Pecnik, Intrinsic compressibility effects in near-wall turbulence, J. Fluid Mech., to appear.
  2. N. Oberoi, M. K. Hasan and J. Larsson, Generation of metric-conforming structured grids with application to grid-adaptation for LES, Int. J. CFD 38, 179-193, 2024.
  3. A. M. Hasan, J. Larsson, S. Pirozzoli and R. Pecnik, Estimating mean profiles and fluxes in high-speed turbulent boundary layers using inner/outer-layer scalings, AIAA J. 62, 848-853, 2024.
  4. A. Ceci, A. Palumbo, J. Larsson and S. Pirozzoli, Low-frequency unsteadiness in hypersonic swept shock wave-boundary layer interactions, Phys. Rev. Fluids 9, 054603, 2024.
  5. A. M. Hasan, J. Larsson, S. Pirozzoli and R. Pecnik, Incorporating intrinsic compressibility effects in velocity transformations for wall-bounded turbulent flows, Phys. Rev. Fluids 8, L112601, 2023.
  6. N. Oberoi, W. Arias Ramirez and J. Larsson, Multi-fidelity parametric sensitivity estimation for large eddy simulation with the Spalart-Allmaras modelJ. Turbul. 24, 195-212 (2023)
  7. W. Arias Ramirez, N. Oberoi and J. Larsson, Multifidelity approach to sensitivity estimation in large eddy simulationAIAA J. 61, 3485-3495 (2023)
  8. C. C. Kiris, A. S. Ghate, O. M. F. Browne, J. Slotnick and J. Larsson, HLPW-4: Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation and lattice-Boltzmann technology focus group workshop summaryJ. Aircraft, accepted (2023)
  9. A. Ceci, A. Palumbo, J. Larsson and S. Pirozzoli, On low-frequency unsteadiness in swept shock wave/boundary layer interactions, J. Fluid Mech. 956, R1 (2023)
  10. M. Blind, A. B. Kahraman, J. Larsson and A. Beck, Residual estimation for grid modification in wall-modeled large eddy simulation using unstructured high-order methods, Comp. & Fluids 254, 105796 (2023)
  11. A. Ceci, A. Palumbo, J. Larsson and S. Pirozzoli, Numerical tripping of high-speed turbulent boundary layers, Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 36, 865-886 (2022)
  12. W. Arias Ramirez and J. Larsson, Grid sufficiency in large eddy simulations as a hypothesis testInt. J. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 36, 260-264 (2022)
  13. V. Kumar and J. Larsson, Modular method for estimation of velocity and temperature profiles in high-speed boundary layersAIAA J. 60, 5165-5172 (2022)
  14. A. B. Kahraman and J. Larsson, Adaptive determination of the optimal exchange location in wall-modeled large eddy simulationAIAA J. 60, 4162-4173 (2022)
  15. J. Larsson, V. Kumar, N. Oberoi, M. Di Renzo and S. Pirozzoli, Large eddy simulations of idealized shock/boundary-layer interactions with crossflow, AIAA J. 60, 2767-2779 (2022)
  16. M. Di Renzo, N. Oberoi, J. Larsson and S. Pirozzoli, Crossflow effects on shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions, Theor. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 36, 327-344 (2022)
  17. S. Toosi and J. Larsson, The Germano identity error and the residual of the LES governing equation, J. Comput. Phys. 443, 110544 (2021)
  18. J. Larsson, Simple inflow sponge for faster turbulent boundary layer development, AIAA J. 59, 4271-4273 (2021)
  19. A. Gopal, P. S. Volpiani, S. Yellapantula and J. Larsson, Computational investigation of real fluid effects in cryogenic laminar premixed CH4-O2 flames, J. Supercrit. Fluids 168, 105045 (2021)
  20. J.-E. Schumann, S. Toosi and J. Larsson, Assessment of grid anisotropy effects on LES models with different length scalesAIAA J. 58, 4522-4533 (2020)
  21. P. S. Volpiani, P. S. Iyer, S. Pirozzoli and J. Larsson, Data-driven compressibility transformation for turbulent wall layersPhys. Rev. Fluids 5, 052602(R) (2020)
  22. X. Gao, I. Bermejo-Moreno and J. Larsson, Parametric numerical study of passive scalar mixing in shock turbulence interactionJ. Fluid Mech. 895, A21 (2020)
  23. S. Toosi and J. Larsson, Towards systematic grid selection in LES: identifying the optimal spatial resolution by minimizing the solution sensitivityComp. & Fluids 201, 104488 (2020)
  24. P. S. Volpiani, J. Larsson and M. Bernardini, Effects of a nonadiabatic wall on hypersonic shock/boundary-layer interactionsPhys. Rev. Fluids 5, 014602 (2020)
  25. C. Gorle, S. Zeoli, M. Emory, J. Larsson and G. Iaccarino, Epistemic uncertainty quantification for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes modeling of separated flows over streamlined surfaces, Phys. Fluids 31, 035101 (2019)
  26. Y. P. M. Sethuraman, K. Sinha and J. Larsson, Thermodynamic fluctuations in canonical shock-turbulence interaction: effect of shock strength, Theo. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 32, 629-654 (2018)
  27. P. S. Volpiani, M. Bernardini and J. Larsson, Effects of a nonadiabatic wall on supersonic shock/boundary-layer interactions, Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 083401 (2018)
  28. S. Toosi and J. Larsson, Anisotropic grid-adaptation in large eddy simulations, Comp. Fluids 156, 146-161 (2017)
  29. J. W. Nichols, J. Larsson, M. Bernardini and S. Pirozzoli, Stability and modal analysis of shock/boundary layer interactions, Theo. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 31, 33-50 (2017)
  30. M. Bernardini, I. Asproulias, J. Larsson, S. Pirozzoli and F. Grasso, Heat transfer and wall temperature effects in shock-wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions, Phys. Rev. Fluids 1, 084403 (2016)
  31. R. Quadros, K. Sinha and J. Larsson, Kovasznay mode decomposition of velocity-temperature correlation in canonical shock-turbulence interaction, Flow Turbul. Comb. 97, 787-810 (2016)
  32. R. Quadros, J. Larsson and K. Sinha, Turbulent energy flux generated by shock/homogeneous-turbulence interaction, J. Fluid. Mech. 796, 113-157 (2016)
  33. A. Trettel and J. Larsson, Mean velocity scaling for compressible wall turbulence with heat transfer, Phys. Fluids 28, 026102 (2016)
  34. J. Larsson, S. Kawai, J. Bodart and I. Bermejo-Moreno, Large eddy simulation with modeled wall-stress: recent progress and future directions, Mech. Eng. Reviews 3, 15-00418 (2016)
  35. P. Constantine, M. Emory, J. Larsson and G. Iaccarino, Exploiting active subspaces to quantify uncertainty in the numerical simulation of the HyShot II scramjet, J. Comput. Phys. 302, 1-20 (2015)
  36. J. Larsson, S. J. Laurence, I. Bermejo-Moreno, J. Bodart, S. Karl and R. Vicquelin, Incipient thermal choking and stable shock-train formation in the heat-release region of a scramjet combustor. Part II: Large eddy simulations, Comb. Flame 162, 907-920 (2015)
  37. S. J. Laurence, D. Lieber, J. Martinez Schramm, K. Hannemann and J. Larsson, Incipient thermal choking and stable shock-train formation in the heat-release region of a scramjet combustor. Part I: Shock-tunnel experiments, Comb. Flame 162, 921-931 (2015)
  38. S. Hickel, C. Egerer and J. Larsson, Subgrid-scale modeling for implicit large eddy simulation of compressible flows and shock-turbulence interaction, Phys. Fluids 26, 106101 (2014)
  39. I. Bermejo-Moreno, L. Campo, J. Larsson, J. Bodart, D. Helmer and J. Eaton, Confinement effects in shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions through wall-modeled large-eddy simulations, J. Fluid Mech. 758, 5-62 (2014)
  40. J. Larsson and Q. Wang, The prospect of using large eddy and detached eddy simulations in engineering design, and the research required to get there, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 372(2022) 20130329 (2014)
  41. C. Gorle, J. Larsson, M. Emory and G. Iaccarino, The deviation from parallel shear flow as an indicator of linear eddy-viscosity model inaccuracy, Phys. Fluids 26, 051702 (2014)
  42. M. Emory, J. Larsson and G. Iaccarino, Modeling of structural uncertainties in Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes closures, Phys. Fluids 25, 110822 (2013)
  43. J. Larsson, I. Bermejo-Moreno and S. K. Lele, Reynolds- and Mach-number effects in canonical shock-turbulence interaction, J. Fluid Mech. 717, 293-321 (2013)
  44. S. Kawai and J. Larsson, Dynamic non-equilibrium wall-modeling for large eddy simulation at high Reynolds numbers, Phys. Fluids 25, 015105 (2013)
  45. S. Kawai and J. Larsson, Wall-modeling in large eddy simulation: length scales, grid resolution and accuracy, Phys. Fluids 24, 015105 (2012)
  46. B. J. Olson, J. Larsson, S. K. Lele, and A. W. Cook, Nonlinear effects in the combined Rayleigh-Taylor/Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, Phys. Fluids 23, 114107 (2011)
  47. B. Morgan, J. Larsson, S. Kawai, and S. K. Lele, Improving low-frequency characteristics of recycling/rescaling inflow turbulence generation, AIAA J. 49, 582-597 (2011)
  48. J. Larsson, Effect of shock-capturing errors on turbulence statistics, AIAA J. 48, 1554-1557 (2010)
  49. S. Yellapantula, J. Larsson, and G. Iaccarino, A co-located incompressible Navier-Stokes solver with exact mass, momentum and kinetic energy conservation in the inviscid limit, J. Comput. Phys. 229, 4425-4430 (2010)
  50. E. Johnsen, J. Larsson, A. V. Bhagatwala, W. H. Cabot, P. Moin, B. J. Olson, P. S. Rawat, S. K. Shankar, B. Sjogreen, H. C. Yee, X. Zhong, and S. K. Lele, Assessment of high resolution methods for numerical simulations of compressible turbulence, J. Comput. Phys. 229, 1213-1237 (2010)
  51. J. Larsson and S. K. Lele, Direct numerical simulation of canonical shock/turbulence interaction, Phys. Fluids 21, 126101 (2009)
  52. A. Mani, J. Larsson, and P. Moin, Suitability of artificial bulk viscosity for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows with shocks, J. Comput. Phys. 228, 7368-7374 (2009)
  53. J. Larsson, Blending technique for compressible inflow turbulence: algorithm localization and accuracy assessment, J. Comput. Phys. 228, 933-937 (2009)
  54. J. Larsson and B. Gustafsson, Stability criteria for hybrid difference methods, J. Comput. Phys. 227, 2886-2898 (2008)
  55. H. Ahn, F. S. Lien, J. Larsson, and J. Hines, Simulation of aeroacoustic resonance in a deep cavity with grazing flow using a pressure-based solver, Int. J. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 22, 39-47 (2008)
  56. J. Larsson, F. S. Lien, and E. Yee, The artificial buffer layer and the effects of forcing in hybrid LES/RANS, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 28, 1443-1459 (2007)
  57. J. Larsson, F. S. Lien, and E. Yee, Feedback-controlled forcing in hybrid LES/RANS, Int. J. Comp. Fluid Dyn. 20, 687-699 (2006)
  58. J. Larsson, F. S. Lien, and E. Yee, Conditional semicoarsening multigrid algorithm for the Poisson equation on anisotropic grids, J. Comput. Phys. 208, 368-383 (2005)
  59. J. Larsson, L. Davidson, M. Olsson, and L.-E. Eriksson, Aeroacoustic investigation of an open cavity at low Mach number, AIAA J. 42, 2462-2473 (2004)


  1. I. Bermejo-Moreno, J. Bodart, J. Larsson, B. M. Barney, J. W. Nichols and S. Jones, Solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations on up to 1.97 million cores and 4.1 trillion grid points, in Proceedings of the 2013 ACM/IEEE conference on supercomputing (SC13) (2013)