
Canonical shock/turbulence interaction

A collection of averaged data for the DNS cases in Larsson et al (JFM 2013) and Larsson and Lele (PoF 2009) can be downloaded as a tar-file here. Once unpacked, the files are in ASCII format with a header that describes the contents of each file. This header should be read as follows:

Note that the data in these files were averaged over a small set of 3D solution snapshots, so the profiles are relatively noisy. The Reynolds stresses (“Rij”) have units of velocity squared, i.e., without the density. Some quantities should be zero by symmetry or due to the periodic boundary conditions, but are included anyway.

Compressible turbulent boundary layers

Averaged profiles from some of the DNS cases in Volpiani et al (PRF 2020) can be downloaded from Pedro Volpiani’s website.

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