
Johan Larsson

Principal Investigator

Some more pictures can be found here

Current group members

Vedant Kumar

PhD student (Mechanical Engineering)

Md. Raihan Ali Khan

PhD student (Mechanical Engineering)

Md. Daluar Hussain

PhD student (Mechanical Engineering)

Harrison Bauman

PhD student (Applied Math)

Ayush Parajuli

PhD student (Mechanical Engineering)

Aniruddh Deshpande

PhD student (Mechanical Engineering)

Marvyn Bailly

PhD student (Applied Math)

Xiaohan Zhu

PhD student (Applied Math)

John Nasrin

MSc student (Mechanical Engineering)


Nikhil Oberoi
PhD 2023

Multifidelity parametric sensitivity in large eddy simulation

Current position: Engineer, Vorticity

Ali Berk Kahraman
PhD 2022

Adaptivity in wall-modeled large eddy simulations

Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, TU Braunschweig

Walter Arias Ramirez
PhD 2022

A multi-fidelity approach to sensitivity estimation in large eddy simulations

Current position: Engineer, Exponent

Siavash Toosi
PhD 2019

Error estimation, grid selection and convergence verification in large eddy simulation

Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, FAU Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany

Abishek Gopal
PhD 2019

Physics of laminar premixed CH4-O2 flames at cryogenic conditions – a computational study

Current position: Computational Scientist, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich

Md. Kamrul Hasan
Postdoctoral Fellow 2022-2023

Current position: Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute

Pedro Volpiani
Postdoctoral Fellow 2017-2019

Current position: Research Engineer, ONERA, France

Jonathan Tedeschi
MSc 2021